Engendered Events within our Birth Data

Engendered Events within our Birth Data

This short learning video, contains a "Kabbalistic" view. and brief detail understanding concerning the Kabbalah ( cob-ba-la). The Kabbalah, is not a religion, it is a ontological belief system that fits within any spiritual belief system. The Kabbalah, is a microcosm, and reflection of the inner workings of creation itself. It is built with scientific facts of the physic's of our Solar system then an inclusion of ontological design, based on the "inner workings" of creation it's self. It is an age old highly regarded,understanding that some cant grasp. This is presented as a level one understanding of the who's. the how's of where our lifetime events are engendered. They are built within the confines of our nativity. It is believed, that all, not some. of our life time events, the good, the bad, and the ugly, were all built and engendered within our nativity. These, events are passed from generation to generation. This way, over time we, evolve our transgressions, by repeated history, creating the alchemy, by the instinct of the Divine nature, built within all life forms, within the Solar System. It is believed that nothing happens to us by chance. This short video, is very insightful and through my experience, it engages well with the mind of the Occultist, along with curiosity seekers seeking the secrets of the Universe and Astrologers. There is a fee to watch this short video. It is considered, brain candy for many community's.

Suggested audience is an astrologer with 3-4 years of predictive understanding and experience. This Video, along with all information on CONTAINED here, on The Revenant Astrologer's web site, is copyright protected @2007, with trademark and patent protection, in America and around the world. Thank you, for the listen!


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